OpenCities Map CONNECT Edition Help

Modify Level Attributes Key-ins

The following key-ins are supported for modifying level attributes:

Modify Level Attribute key-ins Description
LEVEL SET BYLEVEL COLOR <color-spec> [file:file-spec] <level-spec> Sets the bylevel color of all levels specified by [file:file-spec] level-spec to "color-spec". The "color-spec" is the color index.
LEVEL SET BYLEVEL STYLE <style-spec> [file:file-spec] <level-spec> Sets the bylevel style of all levels specified by [file:file-spec] level-spec to "style-spec". The "style-spec" can be the style-number or a style-name.
LEVEL SET BYLEVEL WEIGHT <weight-spec> [file:file-spec] level-spec Sets the bylevel color of all levels specified by [file:file-spec] level-spec to "weight-spec". The "weight-spec" is the weight number.
LEVEL SET OVERRIDE COLOR <ON|OFF|TOGGLE|color-spec> [file:file-spec] <level-spec> Sets the override color of all levels specified by [file:file-spec] level-spec ON or OFF or toggle ON to OFF or vice-versa or to "color-spec". The "color-spec" is the color index.
LEVEL SET OVERRIDE STYLE <ON|OFF|TOGGLE|style-spec> [file:file-spec] <level-spec> Sets the override style of all levels specified by [file:file-spec] level-spec ON or OFF or toggle ON to OFF or vice-versa or to "style-spec". The "style-spec" can be the style-number or a style-name.
LEVEL SET OVERRIDE WEIGHT <ON|OFF|TOGGLE|weight-spec> [file:file-spec] <level-spec> Sets the override weight of all levels specified by [file:file-spec] level-spec ON or OFF or toggle ON to OFF or vice-versa or to "weight-spec". The "weight-spec" is the weight number.
LEVEL SET BYLEVEL MATERIAL <material-spec> [file:file-spec] <level-spec> Sets the bylevel material of the levels specified in [file:file-spec] level-spec to "material-spec".
LEVEL SET OVERRIDE MATERIAL ON|OFF|TOGGLE|MATERIAL-SPEC [file:file-spec] <level-spec> Sets the override material of the levels specified in [file:file-spec] level-spec ON or OFF or toggle ON to OFF or vice-versa or to "material-spec".